Monday, April 12, 2010

Target #1

I was at trinoma mall last weekend and stopped by one of the food stalls there. I was really amazed on how they packed each bread, 1 bread 1 plastic cellophane, even if you asked them to just put everything together, they would insist. (not that its a bad thing) So I say okay.

Their stuff was good! I love their bread! I visit and bought bread there as often as I could. They are getting a lot of attention and a lot of followers. And they are branching out too! As far as I know, they have around 4 branches already and present around all major malls.

How much is their sales everyday? How many breads are they selling every day? Every week? Every month? Every year? Must be awesome. Then as i was sitting there it came to me, how much plastic cellophane go to waste each day? Each week? Each month? Each year? It must be staggering!

It would be a good thing if we know the composition of this plastics. How fast will they decay? For certain most of those plastics goes to waste and i'ts difficult to recycle them. So i looked around the place to check if they have this information on the wall. I did not see any! not surprising. You really seldom see this things anyway unless the store is advocating the green revolution or recycling.

So, what can I do? The next time ill be going to buy a bread next time. I'll be sure to ask for a calling card from their manager. :) send them an email perhaps and hopefully id get an answer to my questions. :)

For now - ill start from their website.

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